Courts, Tickets & Fines

Unclog your court

Dramatically reduce courthouse congestion by letting defendants submit pleas and pay fines online.

PayIt expands the options we can offer to our customers, whether they come into the courthouse or take advantage of our expansive online services. PayIt helps us improve efficiencies and frees our Clerk team to refocus their time and effort on other areas of the business.

Joseph Abruzzo
Clerk of Circuit Court & Comptroller
Palm Beach County, Florida

Replace long lines with online.

Let defendants pay fines, submit pleas, and check their case status anytime, anywhere, and from any device.

By making it easy to complete these tasks online, your team can spend less time on manual transactions and paperwork, and more time on other priorities.

A mobile phone notification reads "you have a new case status."

Easier payments for them. Less work for you.

Other solutions have clunky payment options, often forcing defendants to make separate payments in multiple places. Or call in with questions. Or give up and head into court.

With PayIt, you give defendants one place where they can plead and pay for just about anything from paying a parking ticket to pleading guilty to a misdemeanor.

Plus, your defendants can:

Choose from a wide range of payment methods

Request payment plans & schedule AutoPay

Pay by cash at local retail chains with QR codes

Give defendants a secure profile so they can answer their own questions

“Did that payment go through?”

Without a receipt, defendants have to call in to confirm their pleas and payments.

With PayIt, you give defendants a secure profile with access to their case status, receipts, payment history, saved payment methods, documents, and more.

That way your defendants have all the information they need at their fingertips – no need to call or walk in.

A person sits at a computer. Around them are features of the PayIt Courts solution, including submit plea, check case status, pay a fine, secure profile, view payment history, and store documents.

Here are 6 more reasons courts are switching to PayIt

Powerful reports at your fingertips

You shouldn’t have to ask your vendor to provide and correct reports. With PayIt, you view transactions in real time, and generate reports on demand.

Configured to your business rules

Your technology should adapt to you – not the other way around. PayIt works closely with your team to configure the platform to your exact business rules.

PayIt is your vendor partner

Most vendors disappear until it’s time for renewal. With PayIt, you’ll have a dedicated team guiding your success month after month, year after year.

We help with user adoption

Unlike other solutions, PayIt helps you plan and execute a strategy to ensure defendants make ‘digital’ their first choice for pleas and payments.

Take risk out of the equation

Start accepting pleas and payments without any upfront investment or change order fees. Enjoy regular, no-cost updates with new features.

Get PCI compliance off your plate

Shift the costs and burdens of PCI compliance to PayIt. As a PCI-DSS Level 1 service provider, we take on all of these risks and responsibilities for you.

Integrations: Done. For. You.

PayIt integrates with your back-end systems, no matter how old or complex they are.

Thomson Reuters
Fast Enterprises
Grant Street Group