Finally. A license platform for the modern age.
Manage license sales – across every channel – from a single command center. Delight customers, licensing agents, and your team with a modern, intuitive user experience. Meet customers where they want to transact and operate more efficiently. Configure everything exactly how you need it, and easily adapt when regulations change.

Your customers, license agents, law enforcement, and your team: PayIt Outdoors serves everyone.
Complex lottery draws and harvest rules? No problem.
Customized settings that can be configured to your business rules for each species and season. Configure PayIt Outdoors to your agency’s specific opportunity distribution and harvest rules. And when those change? It’s straightforward to make adjustments for the next season, and we’re here to help.
Handle demand spikes without breaking a sweat.
PayIt Outdoors scales automatically during traffic spikes, so you don’t need separate queuing software. So you can breathe a little easier on those big days, knowing that your customers will have fair access.
No more dueling data sources.
Give resource and licensing managers, financial administrators, marketing folks, R3 coordinators, and agency leadership the reporting and dashboards they need to be effective – without an IT ticket. So they can focus on managing opportunities and outcomes instead of chasing data. And when it’s time to report the impact of wildlife management, customer service, or R3 impacts? The information is easy to get – and accurate.
An outdoors platform that actually works in the outdoors.
Go everywhere your customers and law enforcement officers go – no matter how remote that is. With our mobile app in their pocket, hunters and anglers can keep digital identification cards and licenses on hand, report harvests when they happen, and access regulation and other products. And conservation officers can enforce the law and ensure safety – even where there isn’t a mobile signal.