- Reports and White Papers
2025 Digital Government Adoption Index: Digital Dividends for Agencies and Residents

Government agencies are using technology to meet the needs of their residents in new ways, improving the customer experience and internal efficiency at the same time.
As resident satisfaction and trust grow, agencies reduce manual processes and shorten time to revenue, freeing resources for improved service delivery. This in turn continues to increase benefits to the resident.
PayIt’s 2025 Digital Government Adoption Index examines how digitizing resident transactions creates a mutual dividend for agencies and residents that compounds over time. With the mutual digital dividend top of mind, we studied the state of customer experience and payments through a survey of government leaders.
Our findings explore:
The importance of prioritizing technology that produces better business outcomes
Top challenges agencies face when modernizing digital government service delivery
Who is using AI in government technology and what are they using it for
A year-over-year look at payment features agencies are offering